The Convenience of Online Education

Online Education

The concept of online education would have been a foriegn concept to many a few years back. With the Covid pandemic outbreak, the shift towards online education was inevitable. This shift towards online learning increased the demand for the availability of platforms to facilitate this new mode of learning. Many online learning platforms including; Zoom. Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams jumped to the center to fulfill this new worldwide demand. This was accompanied by various learning websites. 

convenience of online education
Convenience of Online Education

Online Education After COVID 19

One of the biggest problems faced by the people after the pandemic is the increase in commuting prices due to the increase in global fuel prices. This increase in prices has increased the bus fares, cab fares and has made commuting a burden for much of the population. With more than 60% of the Population of Pakistan being youth, it is definitely a problem for those enrolled in schools and colleges to bear the burden of these increased prices. The only solution available for this and many other related problems is the shift towards online education or the online mode of teaching. With online education, the people will not have to worry about the increasing fuel prices and bus fares that result from it. Education can become effective and simple because people will not have to spend hours commuting to acquire knowledge, they can access it from the comfort of their bedroom with a stable internet connection. 

Benefits of Online Education

To further present the case for online education, the increase in global warming can be reduced with this shift towards online education. This can serve as damage control for the pollution that results from the vehicles on the road. The effectiveness of online education in terms of damage control for the increasing pollution and global warming is evident from the time spent in lockdown during the covid pandemic wave. It was claimed that the earth was healing when the usual effects of the commuting cars were not visible. 

One of the biggest advantages of a shift towards online education is the undivided attention given to the student. This concept was not seen in pre-covid classrooms, where one teacher had to manage a class of twenty or three students and giving each equal student was near to impossible. The online mode of education helps the student to study at their own pace. They do not have to conform to a strict routine and can get most out of their education. 

The shift towards online education is not only beneficial for the students in terms of self-paced learning, it can also be beneficial for the environment in the form of decrease in pollution.

Reference Sites

Advantages & Disadvantages of Online Education
Advantages & Disadvantages of Online Learning
Demand for online education is growing. Are providers ready?
Exploration of critical thinking and self-regulated learning in online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic

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