The flaws of physical education system

News opening: Flaming the candle of education with online teaching has become consequential

Education develops people in all domains of life such as social, moral, spiritual, political and economic. It is a dynamic force which enables every nation to achieve its overall national goals. It is an established fact that countries that have developed a sound system of education have a sound social and political system. With effective educational systems many countries are playing a leadership role in the comity of nations. They are enjoying their liberties and also are politically and economically free and developed. The education system of Pakistan has not been able to play its role effectively in nation building. This factor has contributed towards development of frustration among the Pakistani society. The future generation of Pakistan is directionless due to defective education system which has drastically failed to raise the nation on sound economic, social, political and moral grounds. The directionless system of education is producing forces of degree holders who are deficient in high order live skills such as reflection, critical thinking, analysis, research and creativity. The education system instead has focused on feeding the individuals with outdated information and knowledge which is less relevant to the current fast changing world. Students coming out of the Pakistani education system are theoretically sound but have no skills to apply whatever they learn from their institutions due to the traditional methods of teaching and learning. That’s when online learning comes to play. Students are given a gargantuan amount of opportunities to learn at their homes and at ease. This way they learn new skills in a relaxed environment. With a fresh mind they learn to grow more.

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