While talking about preparation for exams of any kind, especially the O and A levels exams, the concept of solving past papers always comes up. It is an undeniable fact that past papers are an unmatched source of information for the people, but only relying on past papers stunts the learning abilities of the candidates or can they solely rely on past papers to get them the information they need to do well in their exams.Â

Past papers provide candidates with help in areas which they would have missed if they were to skip them during their preparation for their exams. Past papers provide students with a sense of what to expect while they are sitting in the examination hall. The paper pattern, the types of questions they might get is the information that can only be attained by solving and going through past papers of that subject. The past papers also help the students to manage their time while they are sitting in the examination hall, if they time themselves while solving past papers they are more likely to manage their time effectively. Past papers can also serve as an effective tool for revision. Students can focus on the areas where they need to improve and the areas where they have grasped the concepts clearly. While solving a past paper for example of A level biology, the candidate can check their answers against the markscheme and understand which answer would have attained them maximum marks.
While it cannot be denied that past papers are an effective tool, they are among other sources which the candidate can use to gain maximum information out of their coursework. Material such as online tuitions and online crash courses especially for A levels and O levels are the most effective source of revision and grasping the concepts before solving the past papers. Other sources such as flash cards and revision notes can also be used to understand questions which would not have been possible by only solving past papers.
There are multiple resources available for students online through which they can get their desired resources. Among these online databases is the Mega Lecture resource database.Â
The Uni Guide
Benefits of Studying Past Exam Papers
Effective Use of Past Papers
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