Online Tutoring
Considering the newer technology and the shift towards the online medium of education fueled by the emergence of virtual academies and online tutoring platforms, we must consider the impact and the benefits it has from the perspective of the teachers. While talking about the much needed innovation and the standard of education in the physical classrooms, the aspect that gets overlooked by most is the teacher that is incharge of teaching the entire class. There cannot be any innovation in education if the old teaching methods are continued, the quality of education that is being provided to the students will continue to be stagnant.

Benefits of Online Tutoring
The problems faced by the students in physical classes resonate with those faced by teachers in them as well. The long commute and teaching a class full of students who are often not paying attention can cause the entire flow of the lecture to be disrupted and causing the quality of the lecture to be below what the teacher had prepared for, while spending twice as much time. Another aspect is taking the burden of teaching and taking the entire class along while incorporating teaching methods that would ensure that the students get the most out of the class. The teachers are stretched thin while trying to maintain the teaching level and having one of the most underpaid jobs in the market. The increasing inflation further adds to their misery.
In contrast, online teaching provides teachers with all the benefits they had been missing while teaching in the physical classes. They can teach from the comfort of their own home and will not have to bear the stress of the dreaded commute on themselves and their salaries. They can reach a larger population of the audience, a concept that is not available in physical classes. The burden of taking the entire class with them is off their shoulders as well due to the online lectures being more based on self learning. Virtual academies can outperform physical classes if they keep their most valuable asset, the teacher, in mind and make their platforms cater to the needs of students and teachers alike.
It is understandable that learning newer technology can be a daunting task for many teachers, but once they get a hold of it, they will realize that online tutoring is better for all those in the education sector including teachers and students alike.Â
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