Misconceptions About Online Classes
A common misconception about online classes is that it is based only on pre-recorded lectures, which the students can play and then the responsibility of the learning process is only on the student. People are quick to discredit this form of teaching because it lacks one-on-one communication with the student. The younger students are affected by this phenomenon because they are not able to comprehend the information being provided to them because this mode of communication lacks the human aspect of learning. That is where live classes come in.Â

Benefits of Online Classes
Online classes is mode of learning where the students and teacher are connected with the help of audio and video through the help of the internet. Many of the students while talking about the things they would find lacking in online education were question and answer based back and forth with the instructor. The end of the lecture questions helped them understand the lecture and in online education, especially in pre-recorded lectures they did not have an instructor whom they could have asked to elaborate the concept which they might not have grasped. The Live classes solve this problem of the students as they can effectively resolve any problems and queries they would have encountered during the lecture by simply asking the teacher. It provides a more interactive form of education where the person knows that they have an instructor present who can guide them through any course-related difficulty.Â
Online Classes
The Live classes provide all of the benefits of online education, especially the accessibility to learn from anywhere in the world and it combines it with all the positives that were available in physical classes such as questions with the teacher and having classes at a specific time period. Still it cannot be denied that to get the most out of the education that is being provided to the student, the students have to take the responsibility of preparing for classes and paying attention in the lecture. One of the important things to consider is the best online learning platform must be chosen in order for it to be effective for the student. Since not every student is similar, the method of online education Live classes or pre-recorded lectures works differently for each individual; some benefit from one while the other benefits from the other.
What is the difference between online courses and live online classes.
Live Online Learning Vs. E-Learning
Pre-recorded vs Live
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