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Organic Chemistry Past Paper Practice (Part 2) - 9701_m17_qp_22

Organic Chemistry Past Paper Practice (Part 1) - 9701_s20_qp_11

Organic Chemistry Past Paper Practice (Part 3) - 9701_m16_qp_22, 9701_w16_qp_22

28 - 9701_s11_qp_12 : Esters, Hydrolysis of Esters, Empirical Formula

3 - 9701_w07_qp_4 : Electrode Potential, Redox Equations, Empirical Formula - Mega Lecture

38 - 9701_s10_qp_11 : Structural Formula, Naming Organic Compounds - Mega Lecture

20 - 9701_s14_qp_13 : Esters, Structural Formula - Mega Lecture

5 - 9701_w16_qp_23 : Oxidation of Alcohols, Skeletal Formula, Esterfication

1 - 9701_s09_qp_2 : Moles and Ratios, Finding Molecular Formula

38 - 9701_s10_qp_11 : Structural Formula, Naming Organic Compounds - Mega Lecture

Q23 : 9701_s12_qp_12 : Alkenes, Addition Reaction, Structural Formula

28 - 9701_s11_qp_12 : Esters, Hydrolysis of Esters, Empirical Formula

20 - 9701_s14_qp_13 : Esters, Structural Formula - Mega Lecture

5 - 9701_w16_qp_23 : Oxidation of Alcohols, Skeletal Formula, Esterfication

7 - 0620_s18_qp_42 : Empirical Formula, Organic Chemistry, Esters, Isomers, Cracking, Hydrocarbons

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