Course Content
Chemical energetics
Learning outcomes Candidates should be able to: 1 define and use the terms: (a) enthalpy change of atomisation, ΔHat (b)lattice energy, ΔHlatt (the change from gas phase ions to solid lattice) 2 (a)define and use the term first electron affinity, EA (b)explain the factors affecting the electron affinities of elements (c)describe and explain the trends in the electron affinities of the Group 16 and Group 17 elements 3. construct and use Born–Haber cycles for ionic solids (limited to +1 and +2 cations, –1 and –2 anions) 4. carry out calculations involving Born–Haber cycles 5. explain, in qualitative terms, the effect of ionic charge and of ionic radius on the numerical magnitude of a lattice energy
Standard electrode potentials E⦵; standard cell potentials E⦵cell and the Nernst equation
Gas / liquid chromatography
A2 Chemistry Past Paper Session
A Level Chemistry | Video Course | Notes | Worksheets
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